Pedigree Selection


When bulls are evaluated and selected only on the basis of performance of their parents and grant parents, the process is referred to as pedigree selection. One resort to pedigree selection in a situation where a large numbers of animals spread over many villages exist for a breed in its native tract and these villages have no or limited AI facilities and it is not possible to implement a progeny testing programme.

A usual strategy adopted for bringing about genetic progress in a population is to divide available villages having animals of the breed into two categories: one as multiplier villages about 20-40 having better quality animals and the remaining as other villages having animals of the breed. The best genetics is used in multiplier villages to produce bulls, best among them are used in the multiplier villages and others are used in the base population. Thus, best genetic material is transferred from multiplier villages/herds to other villages/herds.

There could be two situations: One where there is no AI facility, and Second where there is moderate AI facility. If there is no AI facility, then natural service is used as breeding tool both in multiplier villages and other villages. In case of moderate AI, AI is used as breeding tool in multiplier villages and natural service or AI is used in other villages.